Without clear reporting procedures, safeguarding incidents can remain undocumented, unsolved, and challenging to handle. Sports organisations, investigators, and governing bodies must provide a way for everyone to manage safeguarding issues in a timely, confidential, and secure manner.
Learn how to capture low-level concerns from day one in our upcoming webinar on 26 September 2024, at 11:00 a.m. BST. We brought together a panel of safeguarding advocates and enthusiasts who will provide insights into transforming your safeguarding operation through digital transformation and data.
This webinar will cover:
- The evolving nature of safeguarding incidents across sports in the UK
- Challenges faced by safeguarding teams with complex reporting systems
- Creating a culture of reporting, shared data, and intelligence for early intervention
- The importance of enabling transparent and fair governance
- How Orion’s integrity platform enables effective case management and resolution
Paul Stewart
Former Professional Footballer | Safeguarding Public Speaker | Director
Safeguarding Fundamentals
Stacey Wragg
Moderator | Commercial Development Director
ThirdEYE International Sports Consultancy
Parv Chahal
Head of Sports & Entertainment (UK & Europe)
Orion Innovation
Webinar audience:
- Heads, Directors, Managers, and Officers of Safeguarding, Welfare, Health and Wellness, Fitness
- Sports Investigators and Integrity Managers
- Human Resources and Operations Heads, Directors, Managers, and Officers
- Regulatory and Sanctioning Officers from Sports Governing Bodies