16 Software Development Trends That Will Soon Dominate The Tech Industry
Oct 6, 2020, 01:10pm EDT
Every tech professional knows the importance of staying on top of the latest industry trends. From DevSecOps to low-code apps, software development trends change as fast as technology itself. To stay current, you not only need to consider the present state of technology, but you must also look ahead.
As successful tech leaders, the members of Forbes Technology Council study both current and forecasted industry trends. Below, they share 16 software development trends they predict will dominate the technology sector in the months ahead.
User Experience Design
“User experience design matters more than ever before,” according to Raj Patil, CEO of Orion Innovation. “Across every industry, companies are reimagining their customer engagement models to better adjust to the disruption created by the pandemic. User-experience-led software design is critical for redesigning customer-facing products and services in ways that allow companies to retain and recapture business in today’s all-digital environment.”
Read the full article by Forbes Technology Council here.