The following is an excerpt from an article on Inside Big Data written by Pradeep Menon
Data is the fuel that drives every organization. It’s also smothering organizations with mountains of information they can’t easily access or use.
Many agree that the most common data challenges can be boiled down to the 3 Vs. First, the volume of data is increasing at an extraordinary rate. Humans produce 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. Second, the velocity of data, i.e., the speed at which that data is generated, distributed, and collected. And finally, the variety of data, meaning that data flows into organizations from many different sources and in different formats, i.e., structured, semi-structured, and unstructured.
Consequently, organizations face several challenges from a data architecture perspective, including a need for real-time access to data, a lack of strong governance controls, and issues automating processes using robotic process automation (RPA). Data architecture is a set of principles that guide how an organization collects, integrates, improves, stores, and delivers data to users so they can do their jobs efficiently and effectively…
Read the full article here.
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