Today’s users demand reports with better business insights, more information sources, real-time data and more self-service. They also want these reports delivered more quickly, making it difficult for Business Intelligence (BI) professionals to meet such expectations. This white paper outlines how the use of data virtualization can help BI professionals accomplish these goals.

Modern organizations have to react more quickly to competitive threats and new potential market opportunities. They also need comprehensive, accessible data that’s up to date. BI has always been a key method for making data available and, in recent years, the most common method of providing data for this environment has been through data replication into a data warehouse (DW) architecture. These BI/DW architectures must evolve fast to meet the rapidly increasing demands of today’s businesses.Data Virtualization Usage Patterns for Business Intelligence/ Data Warehouse Architectures

This survey and analysis was developed with our partner Denodo.

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