Amanda Chan

Experience Design

3 Years at Orion

“Unlike other fields with a heavy reliance on tradition, I admire the tech industry’s ever-changing and collaborative environment. It’s one of the few industries that invites people to speculate on what the landscape will look like in ten, twenty, or fifty years from now.”

What do you love most about the technology industry?
Unlike other fields with a heavy reliance on tradition, I admire tech industry’s ever-changing and collaborative environment. It’s one of the few industries that invites people to speculate on what the landscape will look like in ten, twenty, or fifty years from now.

What is the secret to your success?
I am thankful for my curiosity and autodidactic tendencies; I relish the freedom of learning on my own. With so many tutorials online, there’s no need to wait for a class to open up or to follow someone else’s syllabus. When the tools for your creative output evolve every few years, it’s important to stay current.

Who are some of your female role models or women you look up to?
Simone Giertz! In a male-dominated field of robotics and engineering, her series of useless robots stands out for its humor and unconventional approach.

Learn more about our Women in Tech here.

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