Enabling Online Examination and Assessment
Today’s ever-changing learning environments require a robust online examination platform for Schools, Colleges, Educational Boards, and Professional/Certified courses.
Orion’s e-AssessMe is an online examination management platform that enables online examination setup, execution, and evaluation while ensuring complete examination integrity. The solution simplifies answer sheets management, and it provides faster data analysis and results’ publication. It even allows for customized visualization reports and even works over low bandwidth.
- Multi-Format question paper: e-AssessMe allows the examiner to add and select different types of questions, including Objective, Descriptive, Video, Audio, Image, Subject-based, Skill-based, Role-based, Cognitive, Aptitude, and Learning and Development questions.
- Question Bank Repository: Questions are stored in a repository, which can be used while creating subsequent exam questions. The repository allows for segregation and selection of questions based on difficulty levels, simplifying and expediting the creation of new ones. Exam Boards or Universities can share the repository with affiliate colleges/institutions enabling them to create exams faster.
- Admin module: The Admin module enables the examiner to create online exams by identifying Date, Start Time, Duration, Language, Sections, Number of questions, and Total Marks. The module also enables the examiner to search assessments via advanced search options and configure and manage settings for creating assessments.
- Bulk Registrations: With e-AssessMe, the examiner can register multiple students through one simple excel upload.
- Online Fee Payment: e-AssessMe allows for pre-exam online fee payment via a secure, integrated gateway.
- Remote AI-based Proctoring: e-AssessMe has both live and remote AI-based proctoring to maintain exam integrity. It captures examinees’ motions and ensures they have access to only the exam questions and objects required for answering (pen, scale, etc.), thus preventing cheating and other security breaches.
- Object Detection: Identifies objects of interest, presence of more than one person or any additional objects in the screen capture and identifies them for examiners and proctors.
- Face Detection: Confirms the examinee’s face is clearly visible at all times using confidence metrics.
- Facial Recognition: Azure Face API helps confirm that the registrant is the same as the one taking the exam
- Voice Activity Detection (VAD): This feature helps to detect human voices.
- Online Evaluation: Automatic grading for multiple-choice questions.
- Data Analytics: The platform has data analytics embedded that provide decision-making reports, like school ranking, cluster analysis, and pass rate prediction. It also has visualization reports for attendance, etc.
Orion’s e-AssessMe is a complete online examination solution that lets you setup, conduct and evaluate, and publish results via an intuitive user interface. Not only does it simplify and expedite the entire online examination process, but also ensures complete integrity.
With Orion’s e-AssessMe, exam authorities can:
- Create question papers faster
- Ensure complete integrity of the examination process
- Register examinees in bulk
- Collect pre-examination fees
- Analyse examinee data using customised visualisation reports
- Publish results faster